Regional cases
The ECHO Network currently includes 4 national and 1 international regional cases led by different kinds of knowledge users. The five regional cases provide the basis for a detailed contextual analysis of how an ECHO can promote and support intersectoral observations and decisions for integrated health planning in natural resource development settings.
For the latest updates on our Regional Cases check out our new Padlet Regional Case Updates!
Northern British Columbia
The Northern British Columbia (BC) Regional Case is geographically focused in the northern two-thirds of BC, within the service area of both the Northern Health Authority and the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC).
First Nations Health Authority
The First Nations Health Authority case builds on significant developments in health governance in BC. In 2013, programs and resources serving BC First Nations health and well-being were transferred to the FNHA, the first province-wide health authority of its kind in Canada.
Battle River Watershed
This regional case is informed by a history of established research collaborations in rural and remote communities, led by the Alberta Centre for Sustainable Rural Communities (ASCRC) at the University of Alberta.
New Brunswick Environmental Network
This case is informed by a multi-year collaboration centered on the work of the New Brunswick Environmental Network and the NB Children’s Environmental Health Collaborative (NBCEHC), which works to prevent children’s exposure to environmental hazards that affect health and to promote children’s access to healthier environments.
ECHO international and emerging cases
Tunnel Beach, Dunedin, New Zealand. Photo credit: Kevin Lalonde
The Oceania region provides a focus for international learning and exchange as our ECHO Network develops. Activities in Oct-Dec 2017 and a recent visit by project co-lead Margot Parkes to the region have underscored fertile ground for sharing and exchange of ECHO Network tools and processes. Opportunities for international exchanges among early career researchers and learners is a clear priority for the ECHO Network.
The Lake Superior Living Labs Network (LSLLN) co-led by Dr. Lindsay Galway, Canada Research Chair in Social-Ecological Health, has been welcomed as an emerging Regional Case within the ECHO Network. A central theme of Dr. Galway’s CRC program and the LSLLN is to identify and amplify co-benefits that emerge from intersectoral, interdisciplinary, and cross-scalar knowledge-to-action activities.