ECHO Framework

ECHO Framework

The ‘ECHO framework’ offers both a depiction of and a point of reference for the methods and approaches that we, as a Network, use to move knowledge to action, and to encourage learning about this process. An important feature of the ECHO Network design is to foster learning and mentoring of a new cadre of researchers, practitioners and community members, who are equipped to engage with interdisciplinary and intersectoral implications of the cumulative impacts of resource development, including working within and outside of the health sector. The Network engages in moving knowledge to action through the lens of an Observatory, where the ‘observers’ include members of Network’s intentional learning community, and the emphasis is on integrative approaches that address health, environment and community considerations together, as outlined below. We do this by identifying tools and processes that enhance our capacity to ‘take notice for action’, especially those that enable Network members to work, act and co-learn across sectors and boundaries in order to respond to the cumulative impacts of resource extraction.